Thursday, 23 August 2018

Boar bowling me off my feet! $$$$$$$

Dear Matua,

Saturday was the Pig Hunting competition. Me and my uncle Rick and my cousin Tyson were going pig hunting  on my farm. Suddenly we heard squealing  coming from the bush. we ran quickly to the  pig it was as big  as me  .when I trid to sitick it, it bowled me over.  My leg was injrd so i lade on a tree in till i gord wealk. I had to carry it 5 hours to the truck, it was hard! when we got to the truck my uncle took me to his house and  he put a bandage on my leg. i had to stay home for 2 doys

Thursday, 16 August 2018


Evil is hiding in your brain.
It smells like gunpowder and rotting people.
It tastes like blood and death.
It sounds like erupting guns, rocket launchers, and cackling hyenas.
It feels like dark moonlight on your skin.
It looks like helicopters and tanks rolling across a battlefield.
It lives quietly in the back of your brain.

By tyrell

Friday, 1 June 2018


Hi, welcome to Egypt!

Egypt is located in the continent of Africa. The official language of Egypt is Arabic. Ahlan is how you say hello. Izayyak is how you say how are you? Shukran is how to say thanks. 83 million, that is how many people there are in Egypt. 
Ma'is salāma (Goodbye)

Thursday, 3 May 2018

My Farm

My Farm 

Welcome to my farm it is the coolest  farm. You will freak out it is so clean. 

The bush is dark and freezing cold and spooky and enormous. You can get lost  in it.

My cows are so friendly you can go up to  them and  pat them.

2 of my hoses are brown  and 1 is white.  They live in the bush.
Me and Niki feed them with my friends.

the end.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

War Poem

dead bodies
coloured water
On the 25th of April the ANZAC soldiers landed in the wrong spot, there was  chaos and confusion. The place they landed was called ANZAC Cove. Up in the hills there were the turks that were shooting the soldiers. Thousands died.The water was red from all their blood.

Made by Active Ferns